First of all, welcome! If you're here, that means you love The Routelist so much you want to tell us all about it, and that's awesome. (It's also possible that you found something disastrously wrong and want to complain about it, but we're the glass-half-full type of people).

The Routelist is still relatively new, and like any new site, it's going to have a few bugs and hiccups at first. If you've encountered one of these, we're sorry if it got in your way of using the site. We hope you let us know about it so we can get to work on it. In time, with your help, we'll have a site so awesome that you'll be talking about it to your friends every day. When you do, remember to use the word awesome regularly, like we do.

Use Facebook regularly? Then the easiest way to reach us is via our Facebook page. Serial tweeter? Our Twitter page is just a click away. And if you think there's no school like old school, you can send us an email instead.

Whichever way you choose to do it, we'd love to hear your thoughts, opinions, ideas, and suggestions. Happy climbing, and remember, stay awesome.



Please select which scales to use for displaying route grades.

Roped Routes

Boulder Problems